Sunday, July 8, 2012

White People's Day: Chris Rock July 4 Tweet Sparks Debate, Outrage

July 6th, 2012 2:55 PM by Free Britney

In wishing people a Happy White People's Day July 4, Chris Rock stirred up debate and sparked controversy as many accused the outspoken comedian of racism.
On Independence Day, the star fired off the following tweet: “Happy white peoples independence day the slaves weren’t free but I’m sure they enjoyed fireworks.”
Predictably, some people went absolutely ballistic.
Chris Rock Photo
Rock is, of course, 100 percent correct in noting that black people in America were kept as slaves and treated horribly - for nearly a century after 1776, no less.
This is accepted as fact and with shame by almost everyone, but the Tweet struck a nerve with many who seem to really hate black people mentioning slavery.
Nearly 150 years after the Emancipation Proclamation, so-called “reverse racism” achieves little and widens our divisions, or so the common argument goes.
Wrote one non-fan: “Chris Rock says ‘happy white people’s independence day.’ Racist lefties keep throwing gas on the fire to keep the hate alive. #tcot #loser”
That may be partially true, but it's also silly to think that if you stopped mentioning it, or acknowledging it did exist and still exists, that it would cease to.
He's also just a comedian having fun, so people probably shouldn't get TOO fired up one way or the other, but it clearly remains a pretty sensitive topic.

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